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Dog Eaters

Directed by Kevin Pison Piamonte
It is like any other day when men eat dogs and get drunk and women have to succumb to their husbands’ aggressiveness. Mariana, pregnant with her second child has been planning for this day. She is fed-up. She wants to break loose. On the ground floor, her husband’s dog barks incessantly. Upstairs the baby cries constantly waiting to be fed. She has to fight. A woman, too, has rights. Confronting her drunken husband and the dog, she makes one last bid for freedom that might finally set her free.

Kevin Pison Piamonte is a teacher at the University of the Philippines Visayas. He belongs to the Division of Humanities and teaches advertising and film. His first full-length documentary film about the Indigenous Peoples of Boracay premiered at the Busan International Film Festival in 2018.
His first short film “Bukog” (Fishbones) became a finalist at the Cultural Center of the Philippines Festival for Alternative Films and Video.
His 2nd short film “Baboy Talunon” (Wild Boar) won 2 accolades in 2021 as the Best International Short Film in the Uruvatti International Film Festival in India. It also won as Best Screenplay in the Nabunturan Independent Film Exhibition – a regional film festival in the Philippines.
A recent short film “Solo” won as Best Film in the recently concluded Quisumbing-Escandor Film Festival for Health and the Best Short Film for the 69th FAMAS Awards. FAMAS is the Philippines-version of the Academy Awards.

Plays in

Shorts Program I – Connect the Dots

Connect the Dots are stories that seek to learn and unlearn self identity, social norms and expectations in…

Dates & Times

AMC Theater Plaza Bonita, Westfield

October 2, 2024
2:00 pm