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Anino Rebellion

Directed by Adda Lee

Anino Rebellion is a sci-fi inspired music video featuring singer/songwriter Golda Sargento as a busker singing mandated tunes in the year 2120, where the government has heavily regulated music and forced musicians to live apart from the rest of the world. In this dystopian future, a mysterious figure arrives just as a pack of nomadic travelers come across an old television set. Worlds collide when Golda, a lonely street musician, comes alive and gives a shocking performance to all. Anino in Tagalog is the word for shadow and refers to the rebellion of those cast away into the shadow.

Adda Lee is a first time student director and a Media & Communication Studies major at the University of Washington Bothell. Adda is passionate about creating art and deconstructing objects to create a beautiful and unrecognizable piece.