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Shorts Program III: Finding Elsewhere

  • 102.28 mins

A Q&A panel with the filmmakers will take place after the screening.

Finding Elsewhere is a compilation of stories that takes us on a fantastical ride of the unknown and the familiar we want to escape from.

In this program

What’s Next?

Directed by Aaron Madrigal

With graduation on the horizon, three college students feel overwhelmed by their uncertainties about the future. As they…


Directed by Seth Dacio

Inspired by a true story, a 19-year-old young man’s lung spontaneously collapses. We see him physically and mentally…


Directed by Oscar Quilala II

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, five sisters wait out in a bunker, but soon realize there is a…

A Memory Play

Directed by Alyssa Lara

A young woman stuck in her childhood home tries to find purpose and meaning despite living in a…

Happy Life, Pilipinas!

Directed by Alonzo R. Barbaza

A man struggles with his online job during the height of the pandemic. To drown out his worries…


Directed by Stephen Lopez

Between nuclear reactors and military curfews, 14-year-old Jani lives in a dystopian world oppressively devoid of empathy. Together,…

Dates & Times


AMC Plaza Bonita 14

Thu, Oct 5
11:30 am